Wednesday, January 12, 2011

World of Warcraft Getting to Vashj'ir Before Level 80

For those of you out there who are searching things like "how do i get to vashj'ir before level 80" I would like to explain the instructions listed on Wowpedia.

On Wowpedia, this is the explanation:

"Players can fly to Vashj'ir with a flying mount: fly directly west from Dun Morogh, west-north-west from the Stormwind lighthouse or south-west from Gilneas."

First, in case you have no idea because you play horde or don't play WoW for lore, the Ruines of Gilneas are in the Eastern Kingdoms. That is the region where the worgens originated.

So now that everyone knows that, let's get on with it. There is no great way to fly here on a flying mount as a horde player. I flew from the Undercity to the Sepulcher then flew south across the continent into the Dun Morogh area. If you try to fly from the top half of the continent directly southwest, you will die of fatigue before you actually reach Vashj'ir.

Instead, fly directly south to the bottom half of the continent so you are actually in Dun Morogh, then fly to the western most tip that is closest to the Vashj'ir area. The coordinates are approximately 39,59. If you fly here then fly directly West to Vashj'ir you only experience a few seconds of fatigue and do not lose much life before safely getting to the other side.

I tried to cross from the northern part of the continent and nearly died from fatigue before I finally got to Dun Morogh. Obviously this Wowpedia article is written from an alliance perspective. Well that is my opinion anyhow.

I needed to get to Vashj'ir at the young level of 75 because my warlock needs to transmute some water for my leather working level 85 rogue. I would rather fly to Vashj'ir and transmute life into water for sure than risk it anywhere else. I am glad the instructions were available on Wowpedia, but a little additional information would have been helpful.

If you need to figure out how to get your lower level alt to Vashj'ir from the Eastern Kingdoms before level 80, there ya go.

Now there is no need to ask: Why did the undead warlock try to cross the ocean?

Haha, to transmute life, of course.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The show "Medium" is canceled!

Today one of the headlines on CNN under “Entertainment” is, “’Medium’ star: ‘We got canceled’”. I have been watching Medium and reruns of the show for several years. I have also been following the current seasons religiously for the past few years. I noticed a couple of things I will share today.

The first thing is the way Joe DuBois always disagrees that Allison should take action on a recent dream. Instead, in every single episode, he is constantly affirming there is no way to know which dreams are the ones to follow and which ones are just dreams.

This has been going on since the show started. Can we as viewers even believe this is possible? They have a daughter off to college, so we can safely assume they have been a couple for at least 18 years. Are we really supposed to believe after 18 years, he still thinks it’s possible the dream is meaningless? That part of the story should’ve been laid to rest many years ago.

Second, the stories recently have been a bit of a stretch. It is obvious they are trying to salvage the show with new music hits used throughout the most recent episodes.

The single most damaging thing to happen to the show Medium in 2010? Camille Grammer said she was the *one* person who selected Patricia Arquette to play the lead role in “Medium”. It is entertaining to watch her on “Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” because she is such a train wreck; you never know what ridiculous thing she will mention next.

What kind of person has someone to take care of their home, but also needs two nannies per child, for a total of a whopping *four* nannies? Stating on camera that she is responsible for selecting such a great actress for that role could be a significant contributor to its downfall. I am exaggerating a bit here, but it was ridiculous.

Camille Grammer, you are funny and entertaining to watch on RHBH because you never know what will happen next. Finding out you have four nannies for two children and that you had your children through surrogates is entertaining, especially when a costar thinks you chose surrogacy simply to “save your body”.

I will continue to watch RHBH because it never gets old seeing those women, especially the one I now affectionately refer to as a “duck”. The show “Medium” was on the way to “jumping the shark” or “boning the fish” whatever the hell it is called now. Anyone who followed this current season should’ve seen this coming. The episodes have been weak and it’s probably best for it to end now.

Monday, November 15, 2010

"Sliding into Home" Review of Book by Kendra Wilkinson-Baskett

Last night, in the wee hours, I finished reading the book “Sliding into Home” by Kendra Wilkinson-Baskett. There were a few spelling errors, which I will share first:

Page 40, Paragraph 3
“My mom didn’t really think I would get into drugs because I was so into sports, so she pretty much stayed away from the topic, but even with the little information I had at that age I knew in the back of my mind that it was wrong and dangerous. Somehow, though, it still sounded more fun that bad.”

Shouldn’t the last sentence read, “Somehow, though, it still sounded more fun than bad.”?

Page 156, Paragraph 1
“The thing is basically a mansion with wings, Bridget and I each had our own couches, and Holly and Hef always shared a bed. It was the prefect setup.”

Shouldn’t this read, “It was the perfect setup.”?

The definition of “prefect” according to is:
“a person appointed to any of various positions of command, authority, or superintendence, as a chief magistrate in ancient Rome or the chief administrative official of a department of France or Italy.”

Obviously, a lot of us are familiar with the term prefect from the Harry Potter novels, which refer to the prefects on a regular basis, since they were in charge of looking after the other Hogwarts students.

Anyhow, aside from the spelling errors, I took offense to her casual references to ending her drug abuse. It is difficult for me to believe, especially after growing up in an alcoholic home. Kendra makes light of her drug abuse on a regular basis throughout the first parts of the book and then proudly exclaims she quit on her own without any assistance. This could have or should have been handled a bit better or with a delicate touch. She abused both crystal meth and cocaine on a daily basis for more than a year and says she wasn’t addicted and quit cold turkey? The suggestion that anyone can quit such harsh drugs cold turkey is an insult to anyone who has ever dealt with addiction, personally or through other family members.

As I got further into the book, she starts to describe her sexual encounters with Hugh Hefner on a regular basis. She specifically describes their weekly sex, normally on Saturdays after their “club night” celebration. Each of the “girlfriends” was “required” to have sex with him for approximately a minute before moving on to other activities.

This was a little bit shocking to me. I always imagined Hugh Hefner as some sort of super-lover, a Don Juan, so to speak. As it turns out, he is simply a normal man capable and willing of objectifying women. Those women sold out to the “man” for some money or a nice car. I think that is pretty lame! I guess I had this fantasy built-up about Playboy and how Hugh Hefner would be this master lover capable of bringing any and all women to a fabulous climax. Instead, as it turns out, the only action (according to Kendra) is satisfying him. Who cared if the women received any pleasure as long as everyone acquiesced to his request?

It is gross!

Anyhow, I had an opinion on this and I am happy to share. I am thankful I got this book from the local library and did not need to spend a penny to purchase it. How can anyone think they have a story worth telling by age 25? Well, I was duped into reading it, but not duped into spending any money on it. I do not recommend this to anyone. There were no life lessons or advice; there weren’t even any good suggestions at all.

What was I expecting from someone like her? Something that would change the world? No, certainly not, but I thought there would be some good life lessons that she could share with the rest of us.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Let's just explore this please?

I have been thinking for the last few hours what it means that I can more intensely smell the overtones of scent in my hair from this shampoo and conditioner I'm using. Is my sense of smell too precise? The scent changes from week-to-week, almost as though the oils in my head and scalp are also affected by hormones. That's disturbing, can I not find a simple shampoo and conditioner that will not smell so strongly on my head?

Am I the only person in the world having this problem? Slight hormonal variations that can be noticed in the oils of your head and scalp and the scent that comes from washed hair at different times during a female monthly cycle. Why do I care? I care because I am really offended when I catch whiffs of my hair, which is often, and it smells way too strong. Do I have a faulty sense of smell that is off somehow? Do I have a faulty sense of whether it smells bad or good, just annoying?

Let me explain a bit about what's going on. I'm fighting with some contact dermatitis and I have been exploring the various types of products to try and working to eliminate the problem item in the shower routine. I eliminated the scented shampoo first, since it was empty anyhow. I had some baby shampoo to use, so I started on that. It was baby shampoo first followed by Dove Green Tea and Cucumber Conditioner. It just smells . . . awful or something. The wind will catch me or my hair and I smell it all over again.

Can I find a reasonably priced shampoo and conditioner that will not make my head smell funny like some unnatural thing? I don't want to smell like I took a bath on the beach, and I don't want to smell like raw fruit. Can't I have something not too exotic like just a plain clean scent with nothing extra?

I want to be clean, I want my hair to be clean, but I do not want to have this heavy scent over me from all these products.

I'm down to the one sample bottle of shaving gel also right now. Talk about a stinky product to use. The scent is "Raspberry Rain". Like I know what that is supposed to smell like or something. At least the soap smell wasn't too strong so it was easier to tolerate. That scent of shave gel was appalling. I could get nauseous just describing it, it was so awful. Add to it and you're in a steamy shower, warm water, warm skin = even more scented.

What the hell is raspberry rain supposed to smell like anyway? Who thinks up this bullshit? Then what idiot buys it? I didn't buy that shit, I bought plain shave gel and that was a free bonus.

Anyhow, how do I resolve the problem of stinky shampoo and conditioner, when I simply want to be free to enjoy my sense of smell for non-offensive things. I need something that cleans and conditions, but doesn't leave a lot of odor behind. Cucumber and Green Tea just don't combine well in shampoo and conditioner to leave me with nice smelling hair. Maybe my hair is defective and the oily follicles are defected and are letting this offense smell go from my head of hair.

I am the Detective on the Case!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Maybe Mono?

So I've been feeling a little under the weather for awhile now and I finally went to see the doctor, because enough is enough!!

I had the flu through most of February and saw the doctor who confirmed it and gave me Tamiflu -- an antiviral flu medicine -- which is supposed to shorten the duration of the flu. I felt miserable, as I said, for most of February. Then, at the beginning of March I finally started to feel fine again. Around the 11th or 12th of March, I started to feel sick again. I've had a sore throat and I've used Mucinex alot, along with other sinus meds and decongestants. When I woke up on Tuesday morning I felt alot worse!! I woke up with pain in all of my joints, my lymph node areas of my throat and armpits were so tender. It was painful to wash and then dry my armpits after the shower. It's also achy and painful to move around alot, like while washing my hair.

It's miserable! The doctor did a complete examination of my ears, throat, breath sounds and ordered a complete array of blood tests. She said she thinks it's mono, but the blood work will confirm or deny that. She ordered glucose, to tell if I'm diabetic, a CBC, cholesterol numbers, and a special note to measure my Epstein-Barr titers and my Parvo B19 titers. I didn't even know that Parvo could affect humans, but apparently it can, it's just a different type than affects dogs.

Today I spent most of the day popping ibuprofen and Mucinex. I hoped the Mucinex would help with the drainage and sore throat, because I can't sit around all day with heated pads on my neck. The ibuprofen must be helping because I wasn't nearly as achy, but I still feel like shit!

The worst part about all of this is shirking responsibilities. I have litterboxes to clean, cats to give affection, a mid-term to do, and most important, a big day of volunteering coming up on Saturday, all day long. I am hoping and praying that I will feel a bit better by Saturday, because I cannot imagine spending more than twelve hours on my feet dealing with people. I feel like I might need to cancel, but I also know there's no one else who can step in and do it for me.

What I keep asking myself is how do people work at full-time jobs when they feel like shit? I think what would it be like if I had a job right now and had to spend 40 hours a week working hard, all the while feeling like I do now. This is the thing that keeps me up at night. I worry about being sick like I have been for the past two months really. How could I possibly be expected to work full-time when I'm sick for months at a time? I've spent alot of time in the past few years suffering through cold symptoms and waiting to feel better. Maybe it's time to consider a different way of living.

I was reading through the descriptions of mostly raw diets the people featured on Oprah last week are using. One guy said he hasn't had a cold in 20 years. Could I give up most of the foods I love in exchange for not being sick anymore? That's a good question, and one definitely worth considering. I thought I was going to avoid being sick when I started using a neti pot everyday, but so far that hasn't happened either. Not only have I had a cold, but also the flu and now maybe mono. So much for you, fucking neti pot.

I have American Idol on the television in the background, but I'm mostly ignoring it. My husband is playing World of Warcraft and I'm trying to keep my train of thought and write this.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

XM Sirius Merger

The new XM/Sirius has come with some changes to all that I loved about XM and my favorite channel 8, the 80s. There's an afternoon DJ, apparently a former MTV VJ, Mark Goodman. Everytime he is on he tells over and over at every break about how he was one of the original VJs. Great, but do I pay to hear you say that over and over? I think not!

In addition to that, his first day he was bitching about his hours doing his DJ thing. Shouldn't he be happy that he is employed at all because of the state of the economy? Again, let me reiterate, I don't pay to hear him complaining about his hours or hear over and over about how you had your 15-minutes of fame. You replaced Kandy on my favorite channel, I'd much rather have her than you!!!

The new evening DJ is Nina Blackwood, apparently also a previous MTV VJ. At least she doesn't tell us about that all the time, but she sounds like a chronic smoker. The single worst voice I've heard on the airwaves at anytime.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

You know what, fuck you Guillermo Vargas "Habacuc"

"Artist" starves a dog to death as a work of art

This "artist" took a dog from the stress and placed him in an art gallery to be displayed as he starved to death because it was "art". Are you fucking crazy? You must be if you think art is killing an innocent animal while people watch.

Art is about expressing yourself, I don't think I would consider killing a dog to be "art" . . . E V E R! You must be a real piece of shit to do this to an innocent animal and maybe someone will consider you to be art and do the same to you, you stupid heartless fucker.

You can petition to have this "artist" boycotted at an event this year here:

You are a really stupid fucker, Guillermo and may the same fate befall you and your family!